Saturday, May 26, 2012

Things I Believe

Sometimes I wonder why we bother doing some of the things we do. I mean, do we really need to waste our time doing something we hate to earn a piece of paper whose value is slowly going down the toilet? I think we could find something more valuable to do with our time. But then if you enjoy the way you earn that piece of paper, that's a different story. However, that is not why I'm writing this. I don't hope to sell you my beliefs and/or shove them down your throat, I'm hear to tell you what I think and if you don't agree with them, that's your problem not mine. So here it is, what I believe in as little words as possible. 1) T.V. kills braincells. There are many things that kill braincells however, T.V. is the biggest I think. Some of you may say, "Well I watch educational programs, so it's actually building up my braincells." I humbly respond, "Have you ever taken the time to think about all of those commercials you watch? I agree with one of my aunts when she told me that you can almost feel yourself getting stupider as they progress." 2) Whoever told me that I had to take more than one science class was stupid. Do we really need to know what the heck a barometer is, or how people mined things. If I wanted to know, I'd Google it. 3) Celebrities are idiots. I know I'm kind of stereotyping, but really, do you need to go through all of that drama to get some attention? You're a bug under a microscope, no drama is needed to get attention. 4) Paparazzi people need to get a life. Seriously, you stalk people just to make them look horrible. So why do they do that? I'm convinced that they're out to prove something, but if that's true then why don't they prove that if you stare at a T.V. screen long enough things with patterns start moving around. 5) Math is important. Math, unlike science is not subjective to your job. You may ask when you'll ever need trigonometry or the Pythagorean theorem, try the zombie apocalypse. If you're ever on a building and need to know if you can reach the shotgun your now dead friend had, I will kid you not, you'll be glad you paid attention in math class. 6) Reality T.V. shows are dumb. You want reality, live your life!!! 7) I have the force. Just kidding, it would be awesome though, especially if I wear the Darth Vader costume. 8) The new My Little Pony show is addicting. Don't dis it until you try it, 'cause, as my friend Savannah would say, "It's epic!" Well, that's all my tired brain is willing to dispense at the moment, so goodbye, goodnight, and "may the odds be ever in your favor!"

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