Monday, May 28, 2012

Breaking News

I have no idea what I'm going to blog about today, I don't have very many people who actually look at my blog, however i did get three views on the 26th or 27th, I'm not sure which.  That is my new record.  My previous record was probably one, so three is an improvement, sort of.  I've decided to make it a point to blog more, however I don't see how it's going to change lives when nobody reads my posts.  I'd do something to change that but I'm too lazy and if I wasn't I'd get all excited and plan everything out and then it would never end up happening.  So here it is, my semi-daily words of wisdom.  Things these days often make no sense what  so ever, if they did we'd be a lot better off.  I'm pretty sure that we spend way too much time worrying about things and then over complicating that in the end we feel slightly ADD (or ADHD depending on who you are) and that, in the midst of us being super busy, nothing actually got done.  It also doesn't help that with all of the technology these days, people never have to remember anything.  It kind of makes me wonder what happened to using the old paper and pencil.

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